Museo de Arte de Caldas


Octubre 2010

Stones and painting have something in common: the ancestral and basic in the history of earth and man. Stones own the planet’s memory on their composition, given their nature it seems eternal and immovable as container of time. In painting history of human spirit is tracked, as a first attempt of communication which keeps its internal essence as founder language.
In a ritual action, I picked up porcelain rocks in order to trace a path to the painting. Little piles of precariously balanced rocks recall the ancestral act of stacking one rock atop another to delineate one’s territory and to make an offering in a sacred place. An act of faith that seeks to re-establish the harmony lost in the fragility of the artificial.
This path takes me through some fragments of landscapes, which dispose themselves as furniture to observe the environment. Sculptures which make evident their modeling with random colors and gestural texture, disturbing in the obviousness and confusion of their bun. A shelter, a ladder and some lodges compound this topography and invite us to go through the panorama.
At the end, a big landscape appears in a semicircle at the bottom of the room. Thirteen paintings, thirteen tones and thirteen rhythms compound a new architecture in the space with the objective of involving in the curve gesture the glance in the constant flowing of nature.
The act of looking the light is evidenced with the two characters which in their extremes witness the beginning and the end of the day or better, the beginning and the end of the night, as if painting belongs to night where the inside makes itself visible despite of the landscape, in the exterior, charges its presence to daylight.
The painting under the impossibility of registering the same light intensity of the landscape, suggests it in subtle rhythms when it captures the imperceptible fluorescence of the natural energies and vibrations which maybe in the night glares.

Museo de Arte de Caldas


Octubre 2010

Museo de Arte de Caldas


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