1982 Manizales (CALDAS)
Vive y trabaja entre Manizales y Barcelona

She is an artist and researcher, PhD in Fine Arts (2022) and associate professor at the University of Barcelona. Her commitment to follow-up and document specific territories, such as mountain glaciers, enables her to merge scientific studies and artistic narratives. She uses cartography as a hybrid and emotional methodology to register the changes, walk the field and illustrate the transformation of the territory.

Natalia has led the publication “Ideal Perspective of Poleka-Kasue”, cartography of the Nevado Volcán Santa Isabel, with Jorge Luis Ceballos (IDEAM). She has worked on cartography on the “Quaternary Glaciarism of the Sierra de Cadí” carried out by ANTPALT. And she exposed a project “Cuerpos glaciares” an individual exhibition in Bogotá where she shows her long research on the snow-capped mountains of central Colombia and opens a cartographic laboratory with the “Participatory Monitoring Network of Nevado del Tolima”. Her work has been exhibited in different museums and artistic spaces in Spain, Colombia and other countries.

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