Artist’s book edited by Arte Dos Gráficos and Nueveochenta
On land, weaving winds
En tierra, hilando vientos is a drawing done between Bogotá and Manizales, Colombia. It is a landscape woven with the rhythm of the trip, done at the …
Artist’s book edited by Arte Dos Gráficos and Nueveochenta
On land, weaving winds
En tierra, hilando vientos is a drawing done between Bogotá and Manizales, Colombia. It is a landscape woven with the rhythm of the trip, done at the …
La Ilusión de flotar
El cubo blanco es la forma minimalista por excelencia, rigurosa y abstracta, libre de nostalgia. Presencia pura de un volumen geométrico, es Es la metáfora del espacio expositivo actual que la modernidad inventó para aislar cada …
The pictorial illusion on three-dimensional surfaces creates a landscape where the viewer is able to move amongst the pieces. Cubic fragments of urban materials flow, slide, and sink. The ground softens and undulates like a sea that emerges from a
Museo de Arte de Caldas
Octubre 2010
Stones and painting have something in common: the ancestral and basic in the history of earth and man. Stones own the planet’s memory on their composition, given their nature it seems eternal …
Bosque de la china was a displacement of drawing to sculpturing, to delineate paths for different gestural moments of the line and matter. The graphic moment extends on space, surrounding shapes and revealing surfaces. Granite tracks which models the plaster, …